Alien Planet Wiki


Jetdarters are small creatures that fly from place to place. They can fly with great amounts of speed. They are 2.8m long. They are a type of carnivorous scavenger.


Jet-darters move through a kind of biological jet propulsion, not unlike the Skewer, but differ by having a ramjet-style function composed of rotating bone and cartilage, which is capable of launching them at speeds of up to 64 kilometers per hour (40 miles per hour). When at rest, they use three legs in a tripod arrangement, which otherwise fold up during flight.


Jet-darters are too fast to be prey for most animals on Darwin IV, but at least two species do kill jetdarters, the first a type of fungus which shoots bolts of electricity at anything that gets too close, killing them, the Electrophyte; and the second the Finned Snapper.
