Alien Planet Wiki

A littoralope, an Arrowtongue, and Triple Sport Skewer Brothers

The Skewer is one of the top predators of Darwin IV. It has an immense wingspan of 50 feet.



sport Skewer Closing in on a horde of symets!

Many of the creatures of Darwin IV, such as the Eosapian, use methane-filled gas chambers to achieve flight, but the Skewer combusts its methane in four jet engine-like pods in its wings to reach speeds upwards of 547 mph. They maneuver by changing the shape of their wingtips.

Skewers appear to spend their entire lives in the air, as their physiology does not show evidence of legs of any kind.


Skewer hzoom

skewer from ruby gillman

The Skewer uses a hollow lance, located on the front of its head, to kill its prey. It captures its prey by swooping up close to ground level and using their momentum to impale this prey with their lance. A razor-sharp tongue, known as a radula, bores through tough hides and flesh and allows the Skewer access to the prey's bodily fluids. It feeds primarily on Littoralopes, but is known to also hunt other species.

Skewers appear to be pack hunters, which implies some level of intelligence. A close relative, the Follow-wing, often trails the skewer to feed off their kills.




Skewers are about the same size as the largest pterosaur on Earth, the Quetzalcoatlus, which had a 12 meter (39 foot) wingspan.
